By Hanif Ghaffari 

 The conservative knife in the heart of London

July 27, 2019 - 11:41

The game in UK is re-wrapped! Choosing Boris Johnson as Britain's new prime minister means conspiring to conspire the Conservative Party and the entire British community! Undoubtedly, in the near future, there will be many crises across the UK.

Brexit has long been a foggy point in the security, political, social, and economic equations in Britain and United Europe. Conflicts and debates over Brexit have increased in the UK, and opponents of Britain's exit from the European Union are about to hold a referendum again. Three years have passed since the referendum was held over the Brexit, which ended up in the victory of the proponents of the UK exit from the EU. But the details of this departure remains ambiguous among the British authorities, and this ambiguity seems to be intensified in 2019.

Recently, some western news sources are speaking of an issue called “repeating the Brexit referendum”, and name it as a possible option! An option that had been previously denied by British authorities. Supporters of the People’s Vote campaign are currently trying to convince the public for holding a new referendum on Brexit. “The People’s Vote campaign seeks to ensure that the government’s Brexit deal is put before the country in a public vote so that we can decide if a decision that will affect our lives for generations makes the country better or worse off. Good deal or bad deal, it’s definitely a big deal – and that’s why it should be put to a People’s Vote”, that’s how the campaign’s supporters define their goal.

The main thing is that the new British PM, Boris Johnson, faces many problems when choosing any of these options (agreeing with Europe, disagreeing with Europe and holding a referendum again). The British Conservative Party, having selected Boris Johnson as British Prime Minister, has committed one of his most historic and hardest mistakes. Without a doubt, the product of this choice would be the fall of the conservative party of power. On the other hand, given the bad mentality that this party has created among British citizens, it is unlikely that this party will soon be able to obtain its lost position on the political and executive scene in London.


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