World Milk Day: drink healthy milk, fight coronavirus

May 30, 2020 - 21:17

TEHRAN – The Ministry of Health has called on people to join celebrating the World Milk Day 2020 with the slogan “drink healthy milk, fight coronavirus”.

Twenty years ago, World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations on June 1, to recognize the importance of milk as a global food, and to celebrate the dairy sector. Each year since, the benefits of milk and dairy products have been actively promoted around the world, including how dairy supports the livelihoods of one billion people. 

This year, the aim is to break new records in terms of outreach, participation, and promotion for the 20th anniversary of World Milk Day. 

Last year, more than 60 countries participated in the global celebration and held more than 400 different events on this day.

Over the past decade, by holding campaigns, festivals, and education courses for healthy milk consumption, the ministry has always been a pioneer in promoting the culture and nutritional knowledge of the society to increase access to milk and ensure food security.

This year, it is hoped that the Iranian society, by consuming enough milk and dairy products, will ensure their health by strengthening the body's immune system to prevent and fight the coronavirus.

Consumption of this nutritious product is recommended in all age groups, especially children and adolescents, pregnant and elderly, as well as patients with diabetes, hypertension, and cancer.

Unfortunately, per capita, milk consumption has declined in recent years for a variety of reasons and has fallen far short of global standards, which can lead to diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, osteoporosis, and even multiple bone fractures. 

Also, reducing milk consumption in society can lead to the short stature of the new generation.

Therefore, the ministry, which has always been concerned about improving the consumption pattern, including per capita milk and dairy consumption, invited all Iranians to participate in this public movement.


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