“One Good Dragon Deserves Another” published in Persian 

July 28, 2020 - 18:54

TEHRAN – A new Persian translation of American author Rachel Aaron’s story “One Good Dragon Deserves Another” has been published by Tandis Publishing House.

The book has been translated into Persian by Soheila Sohrabi.

The book is the second volume of the Heartstrikers series. It is about Julius who after barely escaping the machinations of his terrifying mother, two all-knowing seers and countless bloodthirsty siblings, the last thing he wants to see is another dragon. 

Unfortunately for him, the only thing more dangerous than being a useless Heartstriker is being a useful one. Now that he’s got an in with the Three Sisters, Julius has become a key pawn in Bethesda, the Heartstriker’s gamble to put her clan on top.

Refusal to play along with his mother’s plans means death, but there’s more going on than even Bethesda knows.

Heartstriker futures are disappearing, and Algonquin’s dragon hunter is closing in. Now, with his most powerful family members dropping like flies, it’s up to Julius to save the family that never respected him, and prove once and for all that the world’s worst dragon is the very best one to have on your side.

Aaron is also the author of “Nice Dragons Finish Last”, the bestselling writing productivity book. She has also written “Fortune’s Pawn”, the first book in the rollicking fun Paradox Science Fiction trilogy.

She was born and raised in Atlanta, but she currently lives a lovely, nerdy, bookish life in Athens. She writes full time, all the time. 

Aaron loves reading fantasy, romance and science fiction. She also enjoys video games, anime, manga, hanging out at conventions and epic things.

Photo: Front cover of the Persian translation of “One Good Dragon Deserves Another” written by American author Rachel Aaron.



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