Traditional crafts of coppersmithing, blacksmithing revived in Arak

November 18, 2020 - 17:39

TEHRAN-Traditional handicraft fields of coppersmithing and blacksmithing, which were obsolete in Arak, the capital of central Markazi province, have recently been revived, CHTN reported on Wednesday.

These forgotten handicraft fields, which were mostly practiced in rural areas, have been brought back to life with the aim of educating and acquainting the new generation with them, deputy provincial tourism chief Qasem Kazemi said.

Workshops and a permanent market for the revived fields have been established in the historical mansion of Baqeri to help crafters promote their products, the official added.

He also noted that coppersmithing and blacksmithing products are expected to be used in daily lives and shouldn’t only have a decorative aspect.

Iron replaced bronze for use in tools and weapons in the late 2nd and the 1st millennia BC, and from then until the Industrial Revolution, blacksmiths made by hand most of the wrought iron objects used in the world. Smelting iron from its ores came into general use about 1400 BCE in West Asia and during the next 500 years, iron began to displace bronze gradually.

Coppersmithing is also one of the ancient handicrafts in Iran, which was practiced between the 6th and 7th millennium BC, however, the culmination of the art dates back to the Safavid era (1501-1736), when using copper dishes and objects has been popular among people.  

With 14 entries, Iran ranks first globally for the number of cities and villages registered by the World Crafts Council, as China with seven entries, Chile with four, and India with three ones come next.

The country exported $523 million worth of handicrafts during the past calendar year 1398 (ended March 19).

Ceramics, pottery vessels, handwoven cloths as well as personal ornamentations with precious and semi-precious gemstones are traditionally exported to Iraq, Afghanistan, Germany, the U.S., the UK, and other countries.


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