Iran’s Iman Ahmadpour peaks K2

July 30, 2022 - 15:26

TEHRAN – Iranian mountaineer Iman Ahmadpour has conquered K2, the world's second-highest mountain at 8,611m.

He has summited the Peak without supplemental oxygen.

Last week, Afsaneh Hesamifard became the first woman from Iran to successfully summit K2.

She also became only the third woman to reach the top of Mount Everest during an expedition in May.

K2 has one of the deadliest records, with most fatalities occurring to climbers on their descent. Only a few hundred have successfully reached its summit.

By comparison, Mount Everest has been summited more than 9,000 times.

Winds on K2's peak can blow at more than 200 kilometers per hour and temperatures can drop to minus 60 degrees Celsius.

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