Leader visits exhibition of domestic production capacities

January 29, 2023 - 15:9

TEHRAN - Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei visited the exhibition of the domestic production capacities held in Imam Khomeini Husseiniya on Saturday.

The exhibition of Iran’s industrial achievements has been held in line with the motto of the current Iranian calendar year 1401 (ends on March 20) which is named "knowledge-based production and job creation" by the Leader.

During this three-hour tour, the Leader paid a visit to the Oil Ministry’s booth and was briefed about the country’s latest achievements in the oil industry.

As Shana reported, in this exhibition, the Oil Ministry has presented some of the achievements of the oil industry in various areas such as the production of advanced oil well equipment, downhole strings, cold boxes, precision instruments, advanced turbo-compressors, catalysts, equipment used in the petrochemical industry, drilling and other important equipment needed in this industry.

In addition to the oil industry, the exhibition featured Iran's achievements in the various fields of mining, aerospace and satellite, automobile, agriculture and food, textile, railways, water management plans, information and communication technology, electricity industries, power plants, dam construction and etc.

Iran’s ministries of industry, energy, oil, and communications were the main participants in this year’s exhibition.


Photo: Oil Minister Javad Oji explains the oil industry’s achievements to the Leader in domestic production capacities exhibit

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