The balance of forces against the Wrong State

The Al-Aqsa Flood battle has revealed the extent of the Wrong State’s intelligence, military and field failure at every level, with the existent social fragility of the entity turning into security and military fragility. For the first time the confrontation has moved inside the 1948 borders, with the image of the Wrong State as mighty and superior having been shattered forever.
The reality is that the functional role which the Wrong State was created has become obsolete, due to the inherent weakness of the entity that was established as an advanced military colonial base, the size of a country to serve the Western superpower of the day. The moral and ethical responsibility falls firstly on the promise to create this entity by Britain through the Balfour Declaration, that was facilitated when it was pioneering colonialism in the world, and then onto the world entities who contributed in recognizing and supporting this shame, both in the West and the East.
The Zionist dream was facilitated through the establishment of the entity as a disciplinary stick, to protect Western interests in the important region, however the reality is that the Wrong State has gone from protecting Western interests to now needing protection. The power of the entity is not intrinsic, it is given to them and has proven greater than their size. With the evolution of developments and interests, policies must change; the West is dealing based on a continuation of old policies, however denial of the power balance on the ground and turning a blind eye to the facts leads to dealing with the wrong situation. If the West is to achieve better interests in the region of West Asia, it must notice the ongoing changes and deal with the forces of real action that represent the people of the region; that is where the actual interests of the West lie.
The reality is that not only is the Wrong State shrinking, as it has sought to protect itself through a wall around Gaza that collapsed within hours of the battle, the entity is rejected by the people of the region, even in the Persian Gulf countries that some of them have normalized ties. Given it is in the West’s incentive to deal in the direction of the people within a region, the time has come for the West to deal with the facts on the ground, to apologize and atone for its mistakes, abandon its arrogance and turn away from sponsoring aggression, as the Wrong State cannot function except by relying on Western guarantees.
The reality is that the West cannot, in the long run, rely on a fragile entity to achieve its interests and abandoning the entity becomes an option that can be effective, as it has become a liability and a burden. Unless the West seeks to mitigate and protect itself from adverse immigration, the vital interests in the vital region are more important. The Wrong State seemed strong because there was no force confronting it, however forces from nations in the region have formed that do not accept the imposed hegemonic humiliation. It is the policy of hegemony and working to monopolize these forces alone that led to the cohesion of these forces in the first place. Politics is not based on good or bad intentions, but rather the world runs on power and ability. Even the control of the Zionist lobby is not inherent but rather it is given to them by the superpower. The control of the lobby is an echo of the voice that represents the reality of the Wrong State; if the sound is weak, then the echo is weak.
Regarding developments in the wake of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, the indicators allude to this confrontation not expanding into a comprehensive war, as the forces sponsoring and supporting the Wrong State do not want a comprehensive confrontation. The reality is that American intervention has everything to do with calming tensions and ensuring escalation does not occur. If major changes do happen, America wishes to oversee and manage the affairs, even if that entails the ending of the Wrong State through liberation of occupied territories, as opposed to the balance of powers being tilted at the hands of the players of the region.
The reality is that it takes years for matters to evolve in this way and for the change to occur, however we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Wrong State. The forces opposing the Wrong State have achieved results in demonstrating the fragility and failure of the entity more than they imagine and consider it a victory for them. Iran is strengthening its influence and does not want a comprehensive confrontation; therefore, it is likely this round will end in a settlement after a lot of innocent Palestinian blood. However, if the West does not review its positions, it will find itself after a while outside the sphere of influence.
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