Hamas chief lauds late President Raisi's unwavering support for Palestinian Resistance

May 22, 2024 - 9:32

TEHRAN - At the funeral ceremony for President Ebrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, Hamas political chief Ismail Haniyeh delivered a heartfelt speech, expressing his profound gratitude for President Raisi's unwavering commitment to the liberation of Palestine.

Haniyeh recalled a meeting he had with President Raisi during the holy month of Ramadan, where the late Iranian leader emphasized the paramount importance of the Palestinian cause to the Islamic world. "President Raisi firmly believed that all Muslim countries have a duty to pave the way for Palestine's freedom," Haniyeh said.

According to Haniyeh, President Raisi viewed the Palestinian cause not merely as a political issue but as a fundamental tenet of Islam. “He vowed that Iran would continue to provide unwavering support to the Palestinian people until the liberation of al-Quds,” the Hamas chief noted.

Haniyeh also highlighted the tireless efforts of President Raisi and Foreign Minister Abdollahian during the recent Israeli war in the besieged Gaza Strip. The two leaders made repeated appeals to Muslim nations, urging them to sever economic and political ties with Israel to pressure the regime to end its atrocities against the Palestinians.

Haniyeh praised President Raisi's belief that the Al-Aqsa Storm Operation, a highly successful Palestinian Operation inside the occupied territories on October 7, had created a seismic shift in the region. He said that President Raisi saw this operation as a catalyst for fundamental change in the world.

President Raisi and Minister Amir Abdollahian lost their lives during a helicopter crash in northwestern Iran on Sunday, which happened due to severe weather conditions.

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