Time to stand on the right side of history

TEHRAN – To begin my note, I would like to sincerely congratulate the leaders and followers of Prophet Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon them), all over the world, on the arrival of the New Christian year, 2025.
Let us hope that, by the grace of God Almighty and in the light of the teachings of that divine Prophet, we will witness the establishment of comprehensive peace, lasting security, and true freedom in the current turbulent world in the New Year.
The bitter realities that are unfolding today in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, and other parts of the West Asian region have jeopardized the lives and security of millions of people, including Christian citizens of these countries, and have made the sweetness of the transition to the New Year bitter for them. In this regard, there are some points that seem necessary to recall and emphasize in these early days of 2025.
First, according to the sacred teachings of the Abrahamic and divine religions, not only cruelty, oppression, massacre, and occupation are not justified, but also turning a blind eye or even remaining silent in the face of such inhuman crimes is an example of sin, violation of the divine will and law, and disobedience to God’s command. In the teachings of divine religions, tolerance of oppression and remaining silent towards it are incompatible with the pure nature of man. What took place in the year 2024 AD is a clear example of the crimes and wickedness of a regime that, with the support of the United States, is testing destructive and deadly weapons on the weak and defenseless women and children living in shelters, schools, and even so-called safe places designated by the United Nations. What kind of human logic is the martyrdom of about 60,000 Palestinian citizens, more than 3,000 Lebanese citizens, and dozens of Yemeni citizens really compatible with?
Second, although terrorism is a common security problem for the global community, and combating it is considered a sacred and responsible concern for followers of divine religions, the main question is: “Where exactly do such acts of terrorism and violence originate from?” Would it be possible to consider the sinister existence of occupation terrorism, Takfiri terrorism, and racist terrorism that deprive tens of thousands of innocent people of their right to life every year, and also the new form of terrorism, namely “media terrorism” - which is no better, if not more deadly and destructive than other forms of terrorism - the product of the innate and natural interaction of the human system?
The best answer to this important and key question should be sought from a recent message from the Leader of the Islamic Revolution to American and European youth: “The leaders of violent global domination do not even have mercy on human concepts. They portray the terrorist and ruthless Israeli regime as the one defending itself, and call the Palestinian Resistance, which defends freedom, security, and the right to self-determination, terrorists!”
The special task of the world’s domineering system is to distort facts and create deviations with regard to the most obvious religious and moral teachings in various parts of the world. The crystallization of this special task can be very well observed in the attitude of the leaders of the domineering powers and the media and propaganda network affiliated with them.
The third point is about the significant responsibility that followers of divine religions, especially their leaders, have with regard to ensuring a transition from the current dangerous and bitter situation. Taking responsibility for protecting the security of human beings, as the greatest of God Almighty’s creation, was the same important concern that the great Iranian martyr, General Qassem Soleimani, and other leaders of the Resistance Front, like martyr Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah, martyr Ismail Haniyeh, etc. worked to realize until their last breath and by sacrificing their lives. Martyr Soleimani’s efforts in defending the Christian areas of Syria and Iraq will never be erased from the pages of contemporary history of the world and the West Asian region.
A loud cry against oppression is an important responsibility that the great prophets of God have placed on the shoulders of their followers. Undoubtedly, the leaders of divine religions can have a prominent role in strengthening global peace and security and their efforts can return spirituality to the international community. Therefore, they are expected to take the needed actions to protect peace, human rights, and dignity in the New Christian Year.
Today is the time when God-believing nations and their religious leaders must stand on the right side of human history and fulfill their responsibilities.
Mohammad Mahdi Imanipour is President of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization
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