Iranian Boxers Bag 2 Silvers in Kingdom Cup Tournament

July 9, 2001 - 0:0
KUALA LUMPUR Homayoun Amiri and Rouhollah Hosseini representing Iran respectively in the 75-kg and 95-kg boxing competitions of Thailand Kingdom Cup" won two silver medals on Saturday.

In the finals held in Bangkok, Homayoun Amiri lost to his Russian rival and stood second while Hosseini could not make it and was overcome by a Pakistani pugilist.

The other Iranian contestants were Akbar Ahadi, Reza Qassemi, and Ramin Haddadian, who were defeated and denied the next rounds.

According to IRNA, the host team, Thailand, ranked first while Russia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, China, and Iran finished second to sixth respectively.

A number of 135 boxers from 21 countries participated in the event.