Iran to promote startups at Brussels conference

June 20, 2018 - 11:27

EHRAN -- Iran’s science and technology vice president Sourena Sattari will promote Iranian startups at the Iran Europe Cooperation Conference which will run from June 21 to 22 in Brussels, Belgium.

With the theme of New Horizon, the conference focuses on different issues like economic development, startup improvement and internationalization of knowledge-based companies, Ali Morteza Birang, the deputy vice president for international and technological affairs, said, Mehr reported on Monday.

Sattari will be keynote speaker at the event and also arrange meetings with high ranking officials in Belgium and European Union, he announced.

Startup scene in Iran, finance & financial technology investment and marketing as well as venture capital funds in Iran are some of the meetings, which will be held on the sideline of the event, he said.

This conference intends to gather high level decision making leaders and business executives from Iran and Europe to discuss new horizons of cooperation and identify existing potentials and practical opportunities considered to be flourishing and with promising prospects under the prevailing circumstances.


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