Portraits of war heroes showcased at Moon Headbands exhibit   

October 10, 2018 - 18:32

TEHRAN – Portraits of a number on Iranian heroes who were martyred during the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war are on display in Tehran in an exhibition titled “Moon Headbands”.

Painter Mohammad-Ali Naderi joined a large number of artists and cultural figure at the Abolfazl Aali Gallery of the Art Bureau on Tuesday evening to open the exhibit.

Speaking to the Persian service of MNA, Naderi said he has created 40 portraits for the exhibition and added that working on the paintings of chief commanders has always been one of his personal concerns and that he has chosen the portraits based on his own interest. 

“The personal characters of each commander helped me choose a series of colors to portray each commander. For example, I used happy colors for some commanders to reflect their inner characters while I used the color red to highlight the issue of martyrdom for some others like martyrs Mehdi Bakeri and Mohammad-Ebrahim Hemmat,” he explained.

He also said that he likes to work on more paintings and display them on different art websites.

“My main goal is to represent the martyrs through art, though it has had its own difficulties, but I am happy with the results,” he concluded.

The exhibit will be running until October 28 at the gallery located on Somayyeh St., off Hafez Ave.

Photo: Portraits of martyrs Mehdi Bakeri (L) and Mohammad Ebrahim Hemmat (R) by Mohammad-Ali Naderi are on display in the Moon Headbands exhibition at Abolfazl Aali Gallery of in Tehran on October 9, 2018. (Mehr/Mohammadreza Abbasi)


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