Meddling in Venezuela doomed to fail

Zarif backs dialogue between Venezuelan rival factions

February 24, 2019 - 20:52

TEHRAN – Venezuelan Deputy Foreign Minister Ruben Dario Molina met with Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Tehran on Sunday to discuss the latest status in bilateral ties as well as ways to enhance cooperation between Tehran and Caracas.

During the meeting, Molina briefed Zarif about the latest development in his country and thanked Iran for helping Venezuela restore its political stability, IRNA reported.

Zarif denounced any form of foreign intervention in the internal affairs of Venezuela and voiced Iran’s support for political talks between the Venezuelan government and the opposition in order to resolve the issues.

The two sides further said Washington’s interference in Venezuela and other Latin American countries is a violation of international law, adding such measures are “doomed to failure.”

President Hassan Rouhani had said earlier that Iran supports the “legitimate government” of President Nicolas Maduro and that the Venezuelan people will foil the current plot in the country as before.

Pointing out that Washington is basically opposed to all popular revolutions and independent countries, the Iranian president said that they want to dictate their dominance over the world by suppressing the revolutions and the independent countries throughout the world.

March to prevent intervention in Venezuela

The government of Nicolas Maduro is doing far more for the people of Venezuela than the U.S. administration by providing free services for its population, anti-war activist Sara Flounders told RT, condemning the U.S.-led intervention.
The activists, opposing intervention, organized some 150 demonstrations around the globe on Saturday to show that ordinary people are against any form of foreign interference. Rallies have been taking place across the US, Flounders told RT after attending a ‘No War on Venezuela’ rally in New York City.


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