Iran ready to host Muslim tourists during Ramadan

May 12, 2019 - 20:12

TEHRAN – Iran is ready to provide warm hospitality to religious tourists, particularly the ones from Muslim countries during the fasting month of Ramadan, a senior tourism official has said.

“Iran is ready to host Muslim tourists during the holy month of Ramadan,” IRNA quoted Mohammad-Ebrahim Larijani, the director of advertising and marketing office of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization, as saying on Sunday.

Iran has provided “appropriate” facilities for tourists to stay for at least 10 days, especially in religious cities, the official said, adding various Ramadan-related ceremonies and festivals lay “good grounds” for promoting tourism industry in the country.

According to Islamic rules, a Muslim traveler has to reside in a place for at least 10 days to be able to continue fasting.

The official also said that offering Halal tourism services in the country will help attract more Muslim tourists from neighboring states, especially Iraq, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and Oman.

A fasting day during Ramadan begins before the sunrise and continues during the daylight hours. It comes to an end with the evening meal of Iftar served at sunset. Muslims break their fast at the time of the call for evening prayer.


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