Iran’s “African Violet”, “Am I a Wolf?” honored at Tripoli Film Festival  

June 21, 2019 - 18:25

TEHRAN – The 6th Tripoli Film Festival honored Iranian movies “African Violet” and “Am I a Wolf?” on Wednesday, the organizer announced.

“African Violet” directed by Mona Zandi-Haghighi received a special jury award and “Am I a Wolf?” by Amir-Hushang Moein won the award for best animated film during the closing ceremony of the festival held in Tripoli, Lebanon.

“African Violet” is about a woman who chooses to look after her former husband who is suffering from an illness.

The animation “Am I a Wolf?” tells the story of a group of schoolchildren who are performing the familiar story of a wolf attacking herd animals. The central scenes depict a nanny goat in grief for losing the yearlings and an angry wolf facing each other. The story ends when the wolf, struck by lighting, falls into the river. After the show the children receive applause, but the child who played the violent wolf is shown crying by the river. The work, which is composed without any dialog, evokes thoughts among the viewers across age and culture.

The award for best feature went to “Adrift” by Caleb Burdeau from Italy, Bosnia and USA while “Festival” co-directed by Tomasz Wolski and Anna Gawita from Poland was selected as best documentary.

Canadian director Larissa Corriveau’s “The Lure of the Deep” was picked as best short movie, and another special jury prize was presented to Egyptian director Hana Mahmoud for her “Like the Sun”.

Photo: Director Mona Zandi-Haqiqi accepts a special jury award for her drama “African Violet” at the 6th Tripoli Film Festival in Lebanon on June 19, 2019.


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