Majid Majidi to make new movie “The Sun” on teenagers’ issues in Iran

July 12, 2019 - 18:45

TEHRAN – Iranian Oscar-nominated director Majid Majidi plans to make his new film “The Sun” in Iran, Persian news websites have announced.

His team is looking for a boy between 12 and 14 across the country to play the role of the leading character of the film co-written by Majidi and Nima Javidi. The film is about teenagers’ issues. 

A number of teenage boys auditioned for the movie in the central Iranian city of Yasuj last month.

Majidi has previously used teenage amateur actors in his movies such as “Father”, “Children of Heaven” and “The Color of Paradise”. 

He is the director of the controversial movie “Muhammad (S), the Messenger of God” about the childhood of the Prophet of Islam (S). Renowned international craftsmen and artists such as editor Roberto Perpignani, special effects designer Scott E. Anderson, makeup designer Gianetto De Rossi and Indian composer A. R. Rahman collaborated with Majidi in the production.

Majidi’s latest movie “Beyond the Clouds” was produced in India. The film, which is set in the slums of Mumbai, represented India at several international film festivals.

Photo: Iranian director Majid Majidi in an undated photo.


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