Development projects worth over $5m inaugurated in southeastern Iran

April 5, 2021 - 15:53

TEHRAN – The head of Iran’s Planning and Budget Organization (PBO) Mohammad-Baqer Nobakht inaugurated five development projects worth 226.364 billion rials (about $5.38 million) in person and through video conference on Monday in southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province.

The projects include a governorate building in Nimrouz city with a total investment of 39.834 billion rials (about $948,428), a women's cultural, educational, and sports complex in Hamoun city with an investment of 18.093 billion rials (about $430,785), and an access road and a bridge in Fazlabad with an investment of 94.144 billion rials (about $2.24 million).

Nobakht arrived in the southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province on Monday morning for a one-day visit.

Since the previous Iranian calendar year (ended on March 20), which was named the year of “surge in production” by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Seyed Ali Khamenei, the government urged various bodies and ministries to take the necessary measures for the realization of the year’s motto.

In this regard, every week several major projects went operational all over the country in different sectors.

This trend is going to continue in the current year which is called the year of “Production: Support and the Elimination of Obstacles”, and numerous development, infrastructure, and energy projects are expected to be inaugurated every month.


CAP: PBO Head Mohammad-Baqer Nobakht cuts the ribbon at the inauguration ceremony of a project in southeastern Sistan-Baluchestan Province on Monday.

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