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BMI supports largest renewable energy PV project in country

October 26, 2022 - 14:16

Bank Melli Iran (BMI) supported the largest renewable energies photovoltaic (PV) project in the country.

For the first time at the national level, the "photovoltaic" solar energy conversion system chain was launched in Kerman province with a capital of 25 billion tomans with the financial support of Bank Melli Iran, the Public Relations Department of the bank reported.

The ceremony of construction operation of Iran's Renewable Energies’ “Photovoltaic” Chain Town was held in Kerman province on Saturday with the participation of Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEAF), Deputy Minister of Economy for Banking Affairs, CEO of Bank Melli Iran (BMI) and Head of Iranian Parliament’s Economic Commission Pour-Ebrahimi.

BMI supports largest renewable energy PV project in country

nce of the Minister of Economy, the Deputy Minister of Banking Affairs, the CEO of National Bank, the Chairman of the Economic Commission of the Parliament, the Governor of Kerman.

In this meeting, Governor General of Kerman Province Mohammad Mehdi Fadakar was the first speaker who pointed to the important and considerable capabilities of Kerman province and added, “With the implementation of Photovoltaic project in Kerman city we will witness a giant development in Kerman province in the field of renewable energies.”

Construction operation of this giant project has been carried out with the cooperation and financial support of Bank Melli Iran (BMI), he emphasized.

The provincial governor general seized this opportunity to express his thanks to the unsparing efforts of the Chief Executive of Bank Melli Iran Dr. Farzin and his colleagues.”

Head of Parliament’s Economic Commission Mohammad-Reza Pour-Ebrahimi was the next speaker said, “Despite tough sanctions imposed by Western countries, the country, relying upon the assistance of the Almighty God, has managed to take giant strides, so that launch of Photovoltaic project is a solid evidence for the said claim.”

Turning to the realization of objectives of Photovoltaic project in Kerman province, Pour-Ebrahimi stated, “Undoubtedly, launch of Photovoltaic project in this province is due to the unsparing financial support of Bank Melli Iran, otherwise, this giant project would not have launched in this province.”

Pour-Ebrahimi, who is the representative of people of Kerman and Ravar in Parliament (Majlis), seized this opportunity to thank senior officials of Bank Melli Iran in materialization of economic objectives of this giant project in the Kerman city.

The CEO of Bank Melli Iran Mohammad-Reza Farzin was the next speaker who said that his bank does not manage any economic enterprises in the country.

Turning to the promises given by the bank since the new administration of President Raeisi took office, the Chief Executive of Bank Melli Iran said that the first of commitments of the bank was this that economic enterprises must be delegated to the private sector in a way that this issue has strictly been emphasized by Leader of the Islamic Revolution and President Raeisi.”

Bank Melli Iran (BMI) does not manage in any economic enterprise, because, the mission of the bank is the creation of economic enterprises, he said, adding, “On the other hand, the first project, which was launched at the financial support of Bank Melli Iran was the launch of Shahid Soleimani Refinery project and then, the bank managed to financially support South Pars project.”

BMI supports largest renewable energy PV project in country

Elsewhere in his remarks, the CEO of Bank Melli Iran pointed to the construction of Photovoltaic Town in Iran which all objectives of this giant project were realized.”

“We are seeking the lack of dependency to the fossil energies and now, Iran is the largest and greatest consumer of this energy in the world.”

Under the 6th Five-Year Development Plan, it had been envisioned that the country must have a five percent share of renewable energies but it is a matter of regret to say that the country has so far managed to realize one percent of this objective, so that more efforts are needed to materialize the objective.”

If “Photovoltaic” project is put into operation in the country, the country would be turned into the hub of solar energy, he said, reiterated that this project is constructed in the city that has appropriate and considerable advantages, Dr. Farzi added.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Dr. Farzi said that this giant project is launched with the initial capital of 16,000 billion tomans, adding that with the launch of this giant project, the city will witness the development of the region as well as development of knowledge-based objectives in the country.”

As mentioned in above, this giant project was launched with the initial capital of 16,000 billion tomans, expandable to 25,000 billion tomans.

The main mission of Bank Melli Iran is not focused on managing the current affairs, rather, creation of economic enterprises is the main mission of the bank, he added.

Creating opportunity for the production of knowledge and science in the country has been taken into serious consideration, therefore, it seems that construction operation of photovoltaic project will not be feasible in case of lack of investment of Bank Melli Iran (BMI), he said, adding, “Consequently, we decided to cooperate and support the launch of this project.:

Elsewhere in his remarks, the CEO of Bank Melli Iran stated that in this center, solar panels are produced with a very high technology which is implemented for the first time in Iran.

With the coordination made, 1,500-megabyte solar panel will be produced in the first phase while 3,000 solar panels will be produced at the second phase of this giant project, he added.

It is planned that these solar panels will be turned into the solar power plants, he continued.

The Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance (MEAF) Seyyed Ehsan Khandouzi was the next speaker who said, “I am happy that we are at a turning point in terms of quality, which has many blessings, and Bank Melli Iran (BMI) has an effective and significant contribution in this field.”

Stating that “We must implement transformational and sincere management in practice,” he said that this type of approach should be strengthened among country's officials.

On the other hand, suitable ways should be paved in such a way that it is possible to take reasonable risks in the field of production and distribution, he continued.

He went on to say that a number of 113,000 economic activists managed to receive the business licenses without even one-time referral.

He put the number of projects in Kerman province at more than 590 which are busy active in this province.

Turning to the field of distribution of revenue in the recent six months, some 560 billion tomans has been deposited out of taxation to the account of Kerman province.

Accordingly, a country which is under tough and cruel economic sanctions, it must certainly take advantage of all financing capacities, he added.

Stating that “we should encourage entrepreneurship in banks and banks should invest in this field, Khandouzi said that Central Bank of Iran (CBI) should encourage and persuade private banks in the field of investment.

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