A review session for “Read Sadi's Poetry for the Rebars”

Different narratives of women authors from Chadormalu Mine in Yazd

March 5, 2023 - 18:7

According to IBNA, the book “Read Sadi's Poetry for the Rebars”, is a different story of women writer from Chadormalu mine in Yazd. This book was written by Sara Erfani, Faezeh Ghaffar Hadadi, Zeinab Erfanian and Fatemeh Soleimani, which was recently unveiled.

During the book's review session, Sara Erfani explained that the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade invited a number of artists, directors, and writers to visit the Chadormalu mine in Yazd so they could use it as a subject for a novel or movie. 

“After the visit, we were all so excited that we decided to write about it. We all began writing our own narratives from our individual perspectives,” she added.

Erfani continued that the overall goal of the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade was to visit large industrial projects, and it's more about showing self-confidence. “When we saw the mine, we came to the conclusion that people should come and see these scenes and so that they would feel better and feel proud of their country's progress!” she said.

Faezeh Ghaffar Hadadi went on to say about the way of writing the book that the visit to the Chadormalu mine was in the form of a group of progress, which the Ministry of Industry prepared for a series of documentary makers, writers and artists, and they were also part of this group.

“We were fascinated by the progress and wanted to convey it to our audience and felt we had a mission, and since the narratives are not very long, I wrote them in less than a week,” said Hadadi.

“Read Sadi's Poetry for the Rebars” is the title of my narrative. In the months following that visit, I felt I should read Sadi's poem to every rebar I saw on the street because we had no idea how difficult it had been to build it and how strong it was,” Hadadi added. 

Erfanian continued that this book was born from a group trip.

“It was explained to us that we were only spectators on this trip, you could say spectators of huge progress! As sweet as candies, the progress we saw tickled our senses to write it all down,” she said.

Erfanian also stated that she likes this book because it is a connecting point between her and her friends.

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