By Martin Love

All the earth is at risk…

July 10, 2023 - 19:14

There have been announcements by some that when BRICS meets later in August it will announce the creation of a gold-backed trade currency aimed at replacing the dollar as the medium of account for trade among significant countries comprising over half the world’s population.

This may mark a sea change in the world monetary situation since the end of World War 2 as the usage of this alleged new currency unfolds in stages over time. And additionally, some 30 or 40 countries that are not in the BRICS lineup as it currently stands are clamoring to join.

Old Joe Biden, who can barely tie his own shoelaces, is a tool of his advisors and his administration (filled with strident Neocons and Zionists) and has by some accounts made himself a world historical figure as a result: overturning by insane belligerent policies across the globe on steroids, and especially in Ukraine against Russia, much of any still lingering presumptions in Washington that U.S. economic dominance, already waning, can continue. One can argue that the administration is desperate because the most accurate observers have suggested that with the failure to date of Ukraine’s much heralded offensive against Russia, that country’s collapse later this year could occur. And Biden has upped the ante by his upcoming shipment of cluster munitions to Zelensky, allegedly because Western stocks of items like artillery shells are in short supply.

A couple of years ago Biden’s former press secretary, Jen Psaki, speaking for Biden, asserted that cluster munitions were absolutely forbidden and criminal!

One can smell the rancid desperation now, and it is dangerous to all. World War 3 and the use of nuclear weapons has never been closer, and few Americans are knowledgeable enough to understand this current threat. Were they aware, Biden would be impeached and his entire administration shunned if not jailed in an asylum for cretins. After the ignominious U.S. exit from Afghanistan, and other failed military ventures over several decades, the psychopaths in the U.S. government seem incapable of accepting reality and they are putting humanity at extreme risk.

A couple of years ago Biden’s former press secretary, Jen Psaki, speaking for Biden, asserted that cluster munitions were absolutely forbidden and criminal!

Russia and Vladimir Putin, whose sole aim was to establish Ukraine’s neutrality after February 2022 and its exclusion from NATO (not to invade any other countries after the reduction of Ukraine’s Nazis and military), MUST appear to have some heroic qualities even though his attack on Ukraine was a dangerous gambit for Russia and may have best not have been launched given all the hundreds of thousands of victims, but IF the U.S. had not been so bent on Russia’s destruction with its proxy war, Russia would not have invaded. One must also be aware of Putin’s many accomplishments over the last 24 years for Russia’s citizens. He is in fact the most liked leader worldwide, some say now.

Recall that after the fall of the USSR and its aftermath during the 1990s, Russia was supine, its political, economic and social situation wracked by many problems. Putin at Russia’s helm has righted a moribund economy, its military clout, its many exports that include agricultural goods, and even its societal confidence, and he allegedly enjoys a 90 percent approval rating inside Russia. He reduced inflation, set up firm alliances (especially with China) and cooperation with other countries outside the West and much, much more. In itself, Russia’s progress out of the depths of its troubles in the 1990s is something of a miracle that few other leaders could have engineered in such a short time. The U.S. and its vassals in Europe are clearly appalled by Russia’s successes, or at least Russia’s endurance, since Putin took over, especially since the U.S imagined itself after the dissolution of the USSR as having been handed all the marbles it had long sought — the effective reduction of Russia to a “has been” nation ripe for the pillage and the theft of its vast resources and its full emasculation as a rival. This was Russia before Putin. The proxy war on Russia in Ukraine (with a Europe that has all but lost its sovereignty and independence and its cheap energy supplies) is one result of the very dark pathology of Western rage, jealousy and envy while America and the E.U. wallow in bankruptcy and decline and ascending irrelevancy except as purveyors of violence and discord across the planet.

This is not to say that Russia has solved or eradicated all its challenges. In fact it had a major role in creating its largest current challenges around Ukraine by its Special Military Operation. This was an operation, still unfolding, that Biden, Washington and its Neocons gleefully welcomed both in fact and spirit because it gave the U.S. a literal pretext to try to destroy Putin and Russia on the backs of Ukrainians supplied with many billions in Western armaments. 

No doubt the Biden Administration and its Neocons expected Russia to quickly lose the proxy war and retreat, but the opposite has occurred with Russia so far incrementally achieving its aims against the Zelensky regime much to the chagrin of Western imperialists led by the U.S. Hence, we now witness desperate Western escalations, such as the supply of formerly disavowed cluster bombs to Ukraine’s unhappy army full of reluctant recruits or all ages.

The question now is whether the U.S. is going to provoke World War 3, which is not winnable by ANY party to the conflict because of the risks of desperate nuclear escalations. Given the lack of wisdom in Washington and its perverse desires to cling to hegemony, we have entered the most frightening time in modern history.


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