World War 2


  • All the earth is at risk… 2023/07/10

    By Martin Love

    All the earth is at risk…

    There have been announcements by some that when BRICS meets later in August it will announce the creation of a gold-backed trade currency aimed at replacing the dollar as the medium of account for trade among significant countries comprising over half the world’s population.

  • U.S. empire disintegrating 2021/08/28

    By Martin Love

    The U.S. empire is slowly disintegrating…

    Anyone in America with eyes to see and read and ears to hear cannot honestly conclude anything but that the in decline. Its leaders during the past 30 years at least have presumed a kind of negative “activism” across the globe is good policy, but now the chickens as they say are coming home to roost and blowback is apparent most everywhere, but for now especially so in Afghanistan.