MP hails funeral of late president as testament to 'national unity'

May 25, 2024 - 20:13

TEHRAN - A senior Iranian lawmaker has lauded the funeral of the late President Ebrahim Raisi, highlighting it as a powerful symbol of "national unity and solidarity."

Mojtaba Zolnouri, who represents the city of Qom, described the former president as "people-loving, tireless, and sincere," and emphasized that the large turnout at the funeral underscored the nation's deep appreciation for his efforts.

Zolnouri noted the diverse array of attendees at the ceremony, pointing out that people from all walks of life came together to pay their respects. This broad participation, he suggested, was a vivid demonstration of the nation's cohesive spirit.

Reflecting on the words of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Zolnouri drew a parallel to the impact of the late General Qasem Soleimani. The Leader had previously remarked that martyr Soleimani was more effective than General Soleimani, implying that his martyrdom had a profound moral impact on society. Zolnouri extended this sentiment to the late president, asserting that his martyrdom similarly fortified the moral fabric and unity of the nation.

General Soleimani, who commanded the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy leader of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Units (PMU), were killed in a U.S. drone strike near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020. Their assassinations, ordered by then-U.S. President Donald Trump, sparked widespread mourning across West Asia, where both commanders were celebrated for their pivotal roles in combating the Daesh (ISIS) terrorist group in Iraq and Syria.

Zolnouri concluded that this collective mourning and reverence have significantly contributed to strengthening national coherence and solidarity in Iran.

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