This time around, Israeli plots against Iran in Syria will fail

BEIRUT - The contemporary world has not witnessed a colonial project that relies on misleading religious and political myths like the Zionist project. It is based on the myth that the Jews – “God’s chosen people” – have the right to establish their own state, despite history confirming that the original inhabitants of Palestine are the Canaanites, who settled there thousands of years before the appearance of the Prophet Moses.
Most of the “Jews” who occupied Palestine belonged to tribes of Eastern European origin called “Khazars”. Between the middle of the eighth and ninth centuries, and also for purely political reasons, these people converted to Judaism during World War I so that the UK would ensure that a unified Arab state would not be established in this strategic region in the world. After the decline of the British role, the US emerged to complete this malicious colonial role and to ensure the region’s permanent submission to Western imperialist hegemony.
After the success of Iran’s Islamic Revolution in 1979, the Zionist entity feared that Imam Khomeini’s strategy would be implemented to confront the Zionist project. Hence, it cooperated with its Western allies to lure Iraq into a war against Iran that lasted for eight years.
Nevertheless, Iran proved to be the strongest in the confrontation, especially after Hezbollah liberated southern Lebanon and won the 2006 war, and finally its victory in the 2024 war, which constituted a major turning point in the history of the conflict with the usurping entity. For many reasons, the most important of which is its missile program, Iran posed a serious threat to it, especially its role in arming resistance factions in West Asia.
Therefore, Netanyahu realized that the account with Iran must be settled completely, especially after it launched two ballistic missile attacks on the occupied Palestinian territories, warning that it was preparing for a third, more painful attack at a time of its choosing, coinciding with its statements on the eve of the entry into force of the ceasefire agreement with Lebanon.
Although Netanyahu was the initiator of the request for a ceasefire on the Lebanese front, he is still deceived that he had inflicted a crushing defeat on Hezbollah. That is why he turned towards Syria, orienting a large-scale internal conflict in the country.
Netanyahu hopes to cut off military supplies to Hezbollah by doing so, however, Netanyahu’s calculations will fail and the magic will quickly backfire on the magician, as in all rounds.
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