

  • Hamas chief 2024-04-22 22:05

    Hamas: Israel must withdraw from Gaza

    Hamas’s political chief Ismail Haniyeh has blamed Israel for stalling on a ceasefire, saying it refuses to agree to a complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza in order for it to happen.

  • Aharon Haliva 2024-04-22 21:58

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Israel haunted by glaring failures

    Israeli military intelligence chief steps down

    TEHRAN- The resignation of the Israeli military intelligence director has raised serious questions about the ulterior motives lurking behind his decision.

  • Operation True Promise 2024-04-22 21:55

    By Ali Salehian

    Iran's operation as a calibrated response; What was the meaning of Iran's signal?

    TEHRAN- This is not the first time that Iran and the Zionist regime have faced each other. More than that, one of the reasons for not expanding the level of tension between these two actors is due to the implicitly agreed level of action and reaction of the parties.

  • Gaza war 2024-04-22 21:53

    By Wesam Bahrani

    200 days of Israeli failures in Gaza

    Unique Palestinian resilience despite severe hardship

    TEHRAN- Marking 200 days since Operation al-Aqsa Storm that saw the Israeli army attack Gaza with unprecedented ferocity, major questions remain as to what Tel Aviv has achieved.

  • Protest against funding Israel's war on Gaza 2024-04-22 21:50

    By Matin Jamshidi

    Washington’s back-to-back support for Israel is outrageous 

    US has made itself an accomplice in Israeli crimes

    The U.S. House of Representatives approved a $26 billion military aid package for Israel on April 20. The aid followed just two days after the U.S. vetoed a widely-backed UN Security Council resolution drafted to give Palestine full membership in the United Nations.

  • Kanaani 2024-04-22 21:42

    Iran will decisively respond to any aggression: spox

    TEHRAN- Tehran promises to provide a “stronger response” in the event that Israel attacks its interests or the nation again.

  • Atlantic Council 2024-04-21 22:20

    ‘Iran is trying to create a new normal in the region’

    TEHRAN- An analyst affiliated with the Atlantic Council think tank, stating that Iran has created a new normal in the region with its direct attack on Israel, called for the management of the situation by the United States.

  • General Baqeri 2024-04-21 22:16

    U.S., Israeli regime indignant over IRGC might, top general asserts

    TEHRAN- Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, the Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces, praised the “might and influence” of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) as the cause of the intense resentment that the U.S., Zionist regime, and their supporters have against the revolutionary force.

  • mo 2024/04/21

    By Soheila Zarfam

    A war with Iran is not going to happen

    TEHRAN - If you are a committed Zionist who is deeply disturbed by Iran's attack on the occupied territories and Israel's lackluster response to it, you may be inclined to launch a new propaganda campaign to convince the West of the urgent "need" to confront Iran.

  • Israel Iran Hamas attacks 2024-04-21 22:10

    By Shahrokh Saei

    Paper tiger

    Iran, Hamas military operations have shattered Israel’s invincibility image

    TEHRAN- After the 1967 Arab–Israeli War, also known as the Six Day War, Israel has always tried to project an image of itself as a powerful entity with an invincible army.

  • Israel military aid 2024-04-21 22:03

    By Wesam Bahrani

    U.S. awards Israelis $26bn for Gaza genocide

    House bill passed despite global outcry over Gaza

    TEHRAN- The U.S. House of Representatives on Saturday approved a massive foreign aid package, including a controversial $26 billion for the Israeli occupation despite the Gaza genocide.

  • 2024-04-21 21:51

    Mass grave found at hospital in Gaza’s Khan Younis

    Palestinian civil defense crews have uncovered a mass grave inside the Nasser Medical Complex in Gaza’s Khan Younis.

  • West Bank 2024-04-21 21:49

    Israel “deliberately obstructing” healthcare services for Palestinians

    The Palestinian Health Ministry has accused Israel of “deliberately obstructing” healthcare services for Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. “This policy constitutes a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and exacerbates the suffering of civilians,” it said.

  • Spain Protest 2024-04-21 21:45

    Madrid march: Stop arming Israel

    People have rallied in the Spanish capital to express their anger at Israel’s brutalities in the Gaza Strip.

  • Tech firms Gaza 2024-04-21 21:45

    Rights group seeks probe into role of tech firms in killings of Gaza civilians

    A human rights group has said that the role of major technology companies and international social media platforms in the killing of Palestinian civilians in Gaza must be investigated.

  • Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei 2024-04-21 21:39

    Ayatollah Khamenei's first position on the attack on Israel:

    Operation 'True Promise' manifested willpower of Iranian people in international arena

    TEHRAN- Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei met with a group of senior commanders of Iran’s Armed Forces on Sunday. During the meeting, the Leader sincerely expressed his gratitude to the Armed Forces for their efforts and accomplishments in recent events.

  • True Promise 2024-04-21 18:58

    By Batool Subeiti, political analyst

    Operation True Promise: Gaza must remain the focal point

    The most important aspect of Iran’s retaliatory strike against the Israeli occupation entity on April 13th is the establishment of a new deterrence equation: If Iranian territory is attacked, the response will be inevitable and rapid. 

  • Rafah 2024-04-20 22:32

    Israeli strike kills 9 family members in Rafah

    Gaza's civil defense agency said Saturday an overnight Israeli strike killed nine members of a Palestinian family including six children in the southern city of Rafah.

  • West Bank 2024-04-20 22:31

    Israel kills more Palestinians in West Bank

    At least two Palestinians have died and a further seven suffered gunshot wounds in an Israeli military operation in the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm on the West Bank, the Palestinian health authority reported on Saturday.

  • Turkey FM 2024-04-20 22:31

    Turkey: Israeli occupation main cause of instability

    Turkey’s Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has said that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories is one of the primary causes of instability in West Asia, TRT reported.

  • Hezbollah 2024-04-20 22:30

    Hezbollah would respond to Israeli escalation

    Hezbollah is determined not to ramp up its attacks over Lebanon’s southern border, but will respond in kind to any Israeli escalation, Hezbollah Deputy Secretary General Sheikh Naim Qassem told NBC News.

  • abdol 2024-04-20 22:26

    Iran not looking for war, but ready to respond to aggressions: FM

    TEHRAN – The Islamic Republic of Iran is not seeking to escalate tensions and start a war, but it will severely and firmly respond to Israel if the regime decides to commit more illegal acts against Iranian personnel and assets, according to the Iranian Foreign Minister. 

  • Israeli aggression 2024-04-20 22:18

    By Xavier Villar

    From Strategic Patience to Active Deterrence

    MADRID - Iran's response to the Israeli aggression against its consulate, framed within international law and legitimate self-defense, has underscored the rationality of the Islamic Republic as a regional political actor.

  • a 2024-04-20 22:17

    By Mehdi Bakhtiari

    All you need to know about IRGC retaliation against Israel

    TEHRAN – Operation True Promise stood out from previous missile operations conducted by the IRGC against terrorist positions in Syria and against the United States in Ain al-Asad Air Base for several reasons.

  • Iran's attack on Israel 2024-04-20 01:13

    By Abbas Akhondi

    Cool down the space. Don't heat it

    The Middle East region is in turbulence and the threshold of war more than ever. Thus, I'm writing a few sentences for the record. with the hope that it would be possible to escape the current conflict with cold intellect, away from the excitement, and with the contrivance of the decision-making authorities.

  • Mohammad Mahdi Rahmati 2024-04-20 00:29

    By Mohammad Mahdi Rahmati

    Hasty, terrorist, and ineffective

    Why did the Israeli regime give us a comedy show by its Friday night attack on Iran?

    TEHRAN- In the early hours of Friday, April 19, Israeli agents inside Iran along with the regime's warplanes, carried out terrorist attacks against three places in our country. After these ineffective actions, mainstream Western media became abuzz with exaggerated accounts of the incidents. 

  • Israel seems to carry out risky attack against Iran only to sink deeper into mud 2024/04/20

    By Mona Hojat Ansari

    All for nothing

    Israel carries out risky attack against Iran only to sink deeper into mud

    TEHRAN - As Iranians began their day off on Friday morning, they were met with reports of an alleged Israeli assault on their nation's territory. 

  • Raisi 2024-04-19 21:45

    Raisi says Iran made Israeli regret ‘slightest attack’

    TEHRAN- President Ebrahim Raisi asserts that Iran will cause Israel and its allies to regret the “slightest attack” in response to rumors that Tel Aviv was “making a decision to act” against the Islamic Republic.

  • Amir Abdollahian 2024-04-19 21:44

    Amir Abdollahian warns against Israeli attack on Iran

    TEHRAN- if Israel takes any further military action against Iran, its response will be “immediate and at a maximum level,” Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian told CNN Thursday. 

  • arti 2024-04-19 21:42

    By Faramarz Kuhpayeh

    Israel receives calm responses as it ravages regional stability

    TEHRAN – The early hours of Friday started amidst a chaos of news and reports by U.S. media platforms that quoted anonymous American officials asserting that Israel had launched an attack on Iranian territory.