South Pars gas production rises 28%

April 15, 2010 - 0:0

Extraction of natural gas from Iran's giant South Pars gas field has increased by 28 percent during the past Iranian calendar year that ended on March 20.

Mohammad-Reza Joulaei, an official with South Pars Gas Complex Company, said on Tuesday that the field produced 67 billion cubic meters (bcm) of sour gas and 59 bcm of sweet gas during the period — up 28 percent form the previous year.
He added that the oil-rich country also produced 137 million barrels of natural gas condensate in its five refineries, of which a vast amount was exported.
Furthermore, a total of 263,000 tons of Sulphur granules were extracted from the gas field over the same period and the figure shows a 19 percent increase compared to the pervious year, Joulaei said.
The South Pars gas field is jointly owned by Iran and Qatar. The Iranian share of the field has reserves of about 14 trillion cubic meters (46.2 trillion cubic feet) of gas — consisting of about eight percent of total world reserves.
Iran has the second largest gas reserves in the world after Russia and ranks third largest in oil reserves.
(Source: Press TV)