Syria calls for establishing joint chamber of commerce with Iran

February 7, 2018 - 10:57

TEHRAN – During a meeting with the head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (ICCIMA), Syrian Ambassador to Iran Adnan Mahmoud expressing his country’s willingness for establishment of Iran-Syria joint chamber of commerce.

In the meeting which was held in Tehran on Monday, the two sides discussed expansion of economic cooperation, ICCIMA portal reported. 

Mahmoud further noted that economic cooperation with Iran is one of his country’s top priorities adding that “Syria welcomes Iran’s private sector”.

The official also suggested holding a conference in Iran to present the two countries’ trade opportunities.

Gholam-Hossein Shafeie, for his part, mentioned an official invitation to the head of the Syrian chamber for traveling to Iran along with an trade delegation, and further welcomed the idea of holding a joint conference between Iran and Syria, saying, “Iranian businessmen need more information and knowledge about the Syrian market in order to work with their counterparts.”


PHOTO: Head of Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture Gholam-Hossein Shafeie (2ndR) received Syrian Ambassador to Tehran Adnan Mahmoud (2ndL) in Tehran on Monday.

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