Zionists control U.S. national security policy: ex-CIA officer

TEHRAN - Robert David Steele, the former CIA clandestine operations officer, tells the Tehran Times that the U.S. “new nuclear doctrine is about borrowing and spending hundreds of billions of dollars that will go into the pockets of the one percent.”
Steele adds that Zionists control US national security policy using blackmail and bribery (for instance, Jeffery Epstein and pedophilia blackmail tapes combined with bribery of all members of Congress.)
“The only thing more dangerous than the US nuclear policy is the naked dishonest of the European leaders,” Steel says.
Following is the complete text of the interview with Robert Steele.
Q: The US new nuclear doctrine was published a few days ago. This dossier had remained unchanged since 2010. What are the reasons for the new modifications?
A: The President has either been lied to, or the President is being bribed, or blackmailed, or both. The new nuclear doctrine is about borrowing and spending hundreds of billions of dollars that will go into the pockets of the 1%.
Q: What is the most important difference between the new nuclear doctrine and the previous one?
A: We are doubling the amount of money being spent on weapons that no one wants to use, that may not work (none have ever been tested operationally) and that are in fact simply another way of taking money from the poor to further enrich the 1%.
Q: In the new nuclear doctrine, the use of nuclear weapons are allowed in extraordinary situations. There are some ambiguities around this. What are those extraordinary conditions exactly?
A: The USA can no longer win wars. Nuclear weapons are the last resort for idiots and madmen.
Q: Washington considers the first strike on Russia allowed, meaning the spirit of the cold war is still governing this new nuclear doctrine. Why has the US taken this approach?
A: Do not confuse propaganda and stupidity with spending. The US nuclear policy is about spending, not war -- that is the only good new we have on this.
Q: How do you assess the US new nuclear doctrine toward Iran? What are the additional points?
A: The USA does not have a functional intelligence community and knows nothing about the real world. Zionists control US national security policy using blackmail and bribery (e.g. Jeffery Epstein and pedophilia blackmail tapes combined with bribery of all Members of Congress. There are no new points. The USA has not learned anything in 40 years, it is like a retarded child that keeps on growing and being more dangerous without ever becoming more intelligent or more aware of the real world and the consequences of its misbehavior.
Q: German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel showed great concern over the new US nuclear doctrine saying Trump's strategy would send the wrong signal, as in the days of the Cold War, and pose a serious challenge to Europe. What are the EU's specific concerns?
A: The EU was never a union, it has always been a cartel, and the EU leaders have betrayed all EU citizens with the Barcelona Agreement that in the background provided for unlimited illegal immigration by Muslims fleeing Arab dictators, into Europe. Bribes appear to have been paid by the Arab leaders to the European leaders. The only thing more dangerous than the US nuclear policy is the naked dishonest of the European leaders.
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