Iran, Afghanistan seek to boost telecom cooperation

February 1, 2019 - 22:31

TEHRAN -- Iran’s Information and Communication Technology Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi and his Afghan counterpart Shahzad Gul Aryoubi discussed ways to expand relations in the field of telecommunication.

Iran and Afghanistan have a common language and have several communalities, Azari Jahromi said during a meeting with Aryoubi in Tehran on Wednesday, IRNA reported.

“We can strength friendship between the two countries with a good historical background,” he said.

He pointed to Afghan migrants in Iran who can benefit from telecommunication services in order to have relationship with their families through internet and phone calls through improvement of telecommunication.

There are several fields of cooperation between the two countries, which can be expanded, he said.

During the meeting, Aryoubi said that several private companies were introduced to him for further cooperation during his sojourn in Iran.

“I have also visited Telecommunications Infrastructure Company which was a great chance to get acquainted with talented human resources,” he said.

He said that Afghanistan is eager to boost ties in different fields of technology and telecommunication with Iran.

Aryoubi officially invited Azari Jahromi to his country in order to develop telecommunication relations between Iran and Afghanistan.


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