Tens of Russian guests tour Qazvin historical sites

November 13, 2019 - 11:36

TEHRAN – Some 70 Russian artists, literati and diplomats on Monday toured historical sites in Qazvin as part of programs in line with holding Russia's cultural week in Iran.

Qazvin was once capital the mighty Persian Empire, under Safavids, from 1548 to 98.

The Russian group visited Qazvin’s magnificent sites of Safavid Garden Ensemble and Sa’d al-Saltaneh caravanserai amongst some others, IRNA reported.

Visits to some cultural centers and museums as well as holding exhibits and meetings with Persian cultural figures and officials have been embedded on timeline of the event that is organized by Russia’s Ministry of Culture in collaboration with Iran’s Islamic Culture and Relations Organization.

Qazvin’s Safavid Garden Ensemble, locally known as “Dowlatkhaneh Safavi”, was once a royal ensemble and residential complex for Safavid monarchs. Back in November, a fresh archaeological season yielded to discovery of the remnants of public bathhouse at the site.

The vast 19th-century Sa’d al-Saltaneh caravanserai shows off exquisitely crafted wares such as traditional personal ornamentations, paintings, ceramics, carpets and potteries across its long, vaulted passageways and arcades. It is also houses various galleries, workshops as well as coffee shops and restaurants, where visitors hangout.

The six-day Russian cultural event in the Islamic Republic started in Tehran on November 9.


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