Workless claimants

September 26, 2023 - 23:29

Siasat-e-Rooz devoted its editorial to the claim by Rafael Grossi that Iran is not fully cooperating with the IAEA on the Safeguards Agreement and the issuance of a statement by the European troika against Iran.

It wrote: The IAEA and the Westerners claim to be concerned about peace and nuclear security in the world, while the Zionists’ prime minister Netanyahu has officially threatened Iran with a nuclear attack at the United Nations, and the United States and England have sent weapons and bombs containing depleted uranium to Ukraine. Therefore, their anti-Iran claims are just an excuse to continue their inconsistent behavior towards Tehran. They (the European troika) are still playthings in the hands of America who have sacrificed their interests for Washington. The IAEA and the West cannot expect Iran's cooperation while continuing to behave irrationally towards the Islamic Republic. And until the other parties to the JCPOA and the IAEA do not take a rational and committed approach, there will be no change in Iran's approach towards the IAEA and the JCPOA.

Arman-e-Melli: Agreement between Iran and America?!

In a note, Arman-e-Melli addressed Bloomberg's claim and said: Some nuclear officials assess that the data by the IAEA shows that Iran is decreasing its stockpile of highly enriched uranium. White House national security spokesman John Kirby previously said if Iran had even taken steps to slow down its enrichment, I would not be in a position to confirm it. If Tehran does such a thing, this is good news. 
According to Bloomberg, U.S. officials have privately acknowledged that they have already begun easing sanctions on Iranian oil sales, allowing Tehran to increase production to the highest level before the limitations began five years ago. Mohammad Eslami, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, responded to some claims regarding a reduction in Iran's enrichment, saying that the enrichment is proceeding according to the law of strategic action plan and is proceeding within the framework of the general measures of the system, and we are acting based on it.

Sobh-e-No: The need to take care of an understanding

Sobh-e-No devoted its editorial to the possibility of establishing diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime and wrote: The resumption of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the past months has undoubtedly marked one of the most important political developments in the region, which is more than any other event in the Middle East. Another event was effective and continued bilateral interaction in the direction of maintaining peace in the region and adherence to common interests. What is certain is that the Islamic Republic of Iran will not retreat from its principles and interests while emphasizing the importance of strengthening regional relations. However, a possible normalization of Saudi relations with the occupying regime is neither acceptable by Islamic countries and nations, nor will the Islamic Republic allow a country to support the Persian-speaking media outlets based in London against the interests and security of the Iranian nation. Also, a normalization of relations by Islamic countries with such a weakened regime will not bring any success to Netanyahu's weakened position in the occupied territories.

Javan: Changing tactics from media terrorism to ISIS terrorism

In a commentary, Javan analyzed the failure of the enemy to undermine security in Iran. It wrote: Rereading the events of the past year in the country, especially the "riot" project that started in Mehr (October 2022), showed that the enemies after being disappointed with their soft war against the people of Iran have once again put the strategy of "terror and support for terrorists" on their agenda. The release of the news of the arrest of 28 terrorists, who had orchestrated the ominous plan of carrying out 30 simultaneous explosions in the most populated parts of Tehran, shows that the enemies of the region, after giving up hope of the fruition of their projects to destabilize the country in the last few decades, have once again turned to the failed strategies of the 1980s  to destabilize Iran by using the tool of terror. However, the project has faced a heavy failure due to the acuteness of the intelligence and security agencies of the country.

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