By Alireza Akbari

Behind the scenes of clear hostilities to Quran

October 7, 2023 - 22:36

TEHRAN- Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei said on October 3 that insults to the Quran cannot weaken it, yet the doers ruin themselves instead. He also called the Quran a book of wisdom, knowledge, and awakening which would only act as a threat to corrupt powers.  

“Today, the hostility toward Islam is clearer than ever. There was hostility in the past, [but] today it is clear. An ignorant example of this hostility, which is seen today, is the desecration of the Holy Quran. You see a foolish, ignorant person doing this in public with the support of a government. What this shows is that the problem is not just what we are seeing in the open. It is not just about insulting the Holy Quran. They think they can weaken the Quran with these kinds of acts. They are mistaken. They are ruining themselves,” said Ayatollah Khamenei on Tuesday.

Insulting the Quran under the guise of freedom of speech

Freedom of speech is literally a hot topic in the world; some countries, under the guise of freedom of speech, allow insults to Islamic sanctities, ignoring the most basic morals.

Sweden and some other countries, under the pretext of freedom of speech, have permitted the preparators to insult Islam’s sacred book, which has hurt the feelings of Muslims.

Their actions are absolutely disgusting; they desecrate the Quran and insult Islamic sanctities.

Indeed, when secular legislators allow insults to take place, who will hold the perpetrators accountable?

In the meeting with Serbian Parliament Speaker Vladimir Orlich on July 25, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian said that the insult to the Quran in Sweden and Denmark hurts the feelings of two billion Muslims in the world.

Later in the meeting, to top Iranian diplomat condemned the insult to the holy books and expressed hope that the insults to the Islamic sanctities would be stopped.

On January 21, Saturday, a number of extremist groups desecrated the Quran in front of the Turkish embassy in Stockholm, where, in an anti-Islamic act, the spokesperson of the Swedish police said that they had allowed the leader of the far-right Danish extremist party to burn the Quran.

The reckless action brought a sharp reaction from the Turkish government, summoning the Swedish ambassador in Ankara to the Foreign Ministry.

Later in Denmark, Rasmus Paludan, a far-right Danish-Swedish politician burned the Quran in Denmark near the Turkish embassy. In response to this action, Türkiye summoned the Danish ambassador and protested against such provocative actions and hateful crimes. 

Quran is a threat to corrupt powers

Speaking on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, addressed the issue, saying, “They think they can weaken the Quran, but they are wrong and they will end up hurting themselves.”

He also called the Quran a book of wisdom, knowledge, and awakening which would only act as a threat to corrupt powers. 

The Quran is considered a threat to corrupt powers because it condemns oppression and blames the oppressed for accepting oppression. It also awakens the people. Those who are hostile to the Quran, are against the awakening of individuals, they are against encountering oppression. 

The teachings of the Quran threaten the American world order since the oppressed are blamed for accepting the oppression. The American world order, ignoring the rights of others, just seeks benefit for itself, and will not tolerate the awakening of other nations.

Regarding the widespread corruption within the Zionist regime, on May 8, 2005, Eliezer Goldberg, a retired Israeli judge and a civil servant, who had previously served on the Supreme Court of Israel as the State Comptroller said: “Governmental corruption is the greatest threat Israel faces today.”

Goldberg said that during his term as State Comptroller, he had repeatedly encountered the undesirable phenomena, but his warnings had not caused them to be uprooted. He was mainly referring to breaches of moral integrity.

He added that examples of this public dishonesty could also be found, including political appointments, favoritism in tenders, the employment of relatives, and various forms of cronyism.

On 19 February 2023, the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) stated that only 32 percent of the public believed that the Zionist regime could cope with corruption.

Corruption among the political and military leaders of the Zionist regime started from the very beginning of the occupation of Palestine and the establishment of the fake Zionist regime. And corruption among the senior levels of the Zionist authorities is getting more and more widespread.

Why are Zionists behind the insults to the Quran? 

On the repetition of burning the Quran in the West, its causes, and the role of the Zionist regime in mandating such insults toward Islamic sanctities, Jafar Ghanadbashi, an expert on West Asian issues, in an interview with the International Quran News Agency on July 30 said that there are many causes for burning the Quran, but based on detailed analyses, the Zionist regime is behind the scenes.

Ghanadbashi said the Zionists have sought to desecrate the Quran for two reasons: the first reason is verses in the Quran that refer to Zionists’ negative attributes and actions throughout history, which reveals their true nature, and the second reason is the inspiring role of the verses in Quran that have motivated the Lebanese and the Palestinians to resist and counter the tyranny of the occupying regime.  

In this regard, Zionists tried to remove such verses from the Quran and publish a distorted Quran. 

He added that the Zionist regime has concluded that the strength of the Palestinians and Lebanese is not from the teachings of communism, liberalism and Arab nationalism, but the source of inspiration for the Palestinian and Lebanese groups’ resistance is the Quran.

Elsewhere, the expert noted that Zionists are currently more worried about the Quran. Therefore, by desecrating and insulting it, he noted, the Zionists tend to weaken the unity between Shiites and Sunnis.

Motivating to fight oppression and occupation, expanding the spirit of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, the Quran is considered a great obstacle toward the survival of the Israeli regime.

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