Devil's Advocates Play the Blame Game

TEHRAN- “Israel May Erase Hamas But Iran Has Already Won” is the title of an article posted on the Bloomberg website on October 11.
Jessica Karl, Bloomberg’s opinion columnist, quotes Marc Champion as saying: “The Hamas attack is precisely the kind of ostentatiously disruptive operation Iran has wanted to see for years, and offers a welcome distraction from its many internal problems”.
Connecting the Hamas operation to Iran is a plot to somehow cover up Tel Aviv’s humiliation. Yet Iran has always stood next to the oppressed Palestinian nation.
Also, the author’s point about Iran’s effort to divert attention from internal problems is the most superficial analysis.
Of course, it cannot be denied that Tel Aviv’s weaknesses have a positive effect not only on Iran's internal security, but on the entire region as Israel has a dark history of carrying out assassinations, supporting terrorists, and trying to destabilize countries.
Iran has left behind the 2022 riots and is moving forward despite the sanctions imposed on the country. However, the Israeli regime is grappling with demonstrations and instability, so connecting the Hamas operation to Iran with this claim that Iran seeks distraction from its internal problems is baseless.
Iran enjoys the internal tranquility which has paved the way for the country’s development in various aspects.
Iran has been supporting the oppressed Palestinian people since 1979. Connecting the recent conflicts between the occupying regime and the Palestinian resistance forces to geopolitical competition between Iran and the Israeli regime ignores the sufferings of the Palestinian people since 1948.
Elsewhere, the author quotes James Stavridis: “The hefty American fleet sends a signal to Iran, Hamas’ principal backer, that any attempt to take advantage of this dangerous moment in Israeli history would face the might of the US military.”
In fact, the presence of the hefty fleet was a signal for Israel to relentlessly break new records in its war crimes in the Gaza Strip. The bombing of Al-Ahli hospital, residential areas, and the killing of women and children would not have been possible without the support of the United States and of course the constant support of the Western media outlets.
Bloomberg’s writer is among those who run the propaganda campaign with baseless and undocumented claims such as the beheading of children and the use of human shields by Hamas, which was claimed at the beginning of her analysis. These baseless claims have paved the way for Zionists’ repeated crimes and killing spree.
Regarding military threats against Iran, Karl quotes Marc Champion: "Invading a nation of 88 million that’s cut through by mountains and more than 2.5 times the size of Ukraine isn’t an option."
It is clear that invading Iran is no longer an option, and in case of an attack, Western writers will not need to refer to the map to know the points of conflict, because everyone will feel the effects of this attack in their surroundings.
Karl's final proposal to prevent Iran from supporting Hamas is similar to the analyses written on the restriction of oil sales. She writes: “Saudi Arabia has cut its oil production to try and boost prices, while Iran has increased its production by as much as 700,000 barrels per day,” but Javier Blas says it might not be that way for much longer. Given that Iran is Hamas’ biggest backer, Washington won’t be able to maintain its hands-off approach to the country’s crude production indefinitely.”
Javier Blas also says, "Saudi Arabia significantly reduced its oil production last year, while Iran was able to increase its production during the same period despite U.S. sanctions."
Considering that Iran is the biggest supporter of Hamas, Washington cannot indefinitely maintain its passive approach toward the country's crude oil production.
So far, the U.S. has done its best to deprive Iran of oil revenues, while Karl's proposal for further restrictions seems opaque. Probably, she refers to the pirates’ manner of stealing and selling Iran's oil, which completely suits Washington. And of course, Iran will not leave the action unanswered.
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