Iranian Army Chief commends forces for securing land, air, sea borders during elections

March 2, 2024 - 22:39

TEHRAN - The chief commander of the Iranian Army expressed gratitude towards the coordinated efforts of the Iranian Ground, Navy, and Aerial forces, alongside defense chiefs, in ensuring the smooth conduct of Iran's March 1 elections.

During a meeting held on Saturday, Major General Abdolrahim Mousavi extended his appreciation to all national organizations and institutions for their role in maintaining security during the pivotal electoral process. 

He specifically commended the diligent and vigilant presence of commanders and soldiers, whose round-the-clock efforts were instrumental in upholding security measures.

Furthermore, Major General Mousavi acknowledged the proactive measures taken by border commanders in safeguarding Iran's territorial integrity in the lead-up to the elections.

In addition, he lauded the Iranian Army's support for election headquarters, highlighting the logistical feat of airlifting ballot boxes to remote and inaccessible regions. 

General Mousavi emphasized that the March 1 elections, conducted amidst various challenges and external provocations, stand as a testament to the unwavering commitment of the Iranian people and the relentless efforts of intelligence, security, law enforcement, and military forces.

This concerted effort, he noted, not only ensured the satisfaction of Iran's allies but also served as a source of astonishment for foreign observers while thwarting yet another nefarious conspiracy by adversaries.

Earlier on Thursday, Brigadier General Yousef Ghorbani, commander of the Iranian Army Aviation, affirmed the force's preparedness to support the upcoming elections by facilitating the transportation of ballot boxes to hard-to-reach regions. 

In a statement issued on Thursday, General Ghorbani reiterated the Iranian Army Aviation's unwavering commitment to providing essential services to ensure the smooth conduct of elections.

Highlighting the designated responsibilities of the Iranian Army Aviation, General Ghorbani emphasized that the force has allocated several helicopters to assist in the electoral process.

Closing his remarks, General Ghorbani underscored the longstanding dedication of the Iranian Army Aviation to serving both the public and the government.

In addition to its core defense and security duties, he highlighted the force's vital role in supporting government agencies across various domains, including elections, search and rescue operations, disaster relief efforts, and addressing the aftermath of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes.

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