The power of Iran's foreign relations

May 25, 2024 - 20:16

TEHRAN - Sobh-e-No investigated the sympathy of different countries of the world with Iran after the martyrdom of President Raisi and his entourage.

The paper said: During the helicopter crash of the late president of our country and his entourage, a wave of messages of sympathy and condolences was sent to Tehran. The critical situation of the region and the global inflammations caused by it, the Islamic Republic of Iran's role-playing in the developments in the region and the eight-month war in Gaza had made Western countries and the Zionist regime hope to see the international isolation of Iran in such events. The Zionist regime did not expect that countries from all over the world would be present in Tehran beyond diplomatic compliments, express sympathy and attend the funeral procession of our president and his entourage. This presence proved that the power, influence and role of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in global equations under no circumstances can be ignored. This means the decline of the legend of Iran's isolation in global equations. 

Iran: Playing into the enemy's puzzle 
In an analysis, the Iran newspaper discussed the destruction of Martyr Raisi by the internal groups aligned with the enemies and wrote: The funeral procession of the martyrs' bodies by the people was so unprecedented and magnificent that it forced even the foreign media to acknowledge the popularity of Dr. Raisi among the people of Iran. However, at the same time with the large presence of millions of Iranian people in the funeral procession of the martyrs in different cities, foreign Persian-language media also resumed the project of destroying the martyred president. In this regard, by publishing a report about the martyr Dr. Raisi, the Persian BBC tried to tarnish the image of Raisi by censoring the great presence of people. The interesting thing was the presence of media figures belonging to a mysterious political current in this destructive process. After the publication of the BBC report, the personalities and user accounts opposed to the 13th government were included in the puzzle of the MKO organization and the anti-revolution media. They began to destroy the president and his government and called it "the weakest government after the revolution". However, the people of Iran showed their gratitude and their satisfaction with the president's three-year performance by attending the funeral procession of Dr. Raisi and his entourage.

Kayhan: Israel has no way to be rescued
In a note, Kayhan pointed out the reaction of the Israeli media after the martyrdom of Amir Abdollahian and said: According to the news website of Israel’s Channel 12, Hossein Amir Abdollahian was one of the most central factors in the Iranian organization in the region in recent years and he was one of the most important assets of the Islamic Republic in regional struggles. From the first day of Ebrahim Raisi's government three years ago, it was clear that Amir Abdollahian would put advancing the goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the region on the agenda. The Zionist media tried to instill that the interactions between Iran and the regional resistance groups would be disrupted due to the martyrdom of Mr. Amir Abdollahian. This media outlet even expressed enthusiasm five years ago because of the martyrdom of General Soleimani, but after the Al-Aqsa Storm operation and then the deadly hybrid attacks of the Lebanese resistance, Yemen and Iraq, and finally the historical impact of the True Promise operation, they realized that their dreams have been lost and the resistance front has become stronger and more connected.

Donya-e-Eqtesad: 6 rounds of negotiations in 8 months
Donya-e-Eqtesad wrote about 6 rounds of negotiations between Iran and the United States since October 7: Recently, sources close to the secret negotiations between Iran and the United States in Oman have told the Middle East Eye that the delegations of Iran and the United States talked about ending Israel's war and the common desire for change in the Israeli government. It should be noted that Iran and the U.S. have held six rounds of indirect negotiations in Oman since October 7. These negotiations, which are focused on de-escalation, first started in April or May 2023. Washington has emphasized maintaining the existing situation in these negotiations. In the current situation, Iran and the IAEA have stable but minimal relations, and at the same time, Tehran can continue to export its oil without U.S. interference. In the talks in Oman, the two sides emphasized the separation of the nuclear issue from the developments related to the Al-Aqsa Storm. But McGurk, the representative of the United States in the negotiations, quoted Biden as saying that because he has faced too much pressure and humiliation from the Republicans and Iran not fulfilling its promises before the election of the U.S., the start of the nuclear negotiations will be impossible until November.

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