Repeating a wrong path, a thousand times

TEHRAN - Kayhan addressed Iran's acceptance to stop enriching uranium to 60% and wrote: Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, declared that Iran had accepted a cap on its stockpile of 60% enriched uranium.
This decision of our country was made with the aim of goodwill and reducing existing tensions between Iran and the IAEA, as well as preventing the creation of a basis for issuing a new resolution against Iran at the Board of Governors. However, according to the path taken so far, the future will clearly show that this retreat and reward to Europe will not lead to a tangible achievement in the path of nuclear negotiations and the settlement of issues related to Iran's peaceful nuclear program. Also, sending a pulse of weakness will increase the basis for intensifying pressures. This means that the Europeans will move towards activating the trigger mechanism. For this reason, the European parties have turned this issue into a pretext for taking advantage of the Iranian nation and government. The authorities of the 14th (sitting) government should avoid repeating retreats in the face of the European countries considered non-influential players in international politics.
Iran: Iran's diplomacy puts Board of Governors in a dilemma
In an analysis, the Iran newspaper discussed Tehran's proposal not to increase its stockpile of 60 percent enriched uranium. It said: Iran's proposal not to add to its reserves of uranium enriched to 60% caused a wave of doubt among the diplomats at the Board of Governors. Grossi declared Iran's proposal in a public meeting and called it a basis for a different start of cooperation with Iran and said that Iran's policy is not to produce nuclear weapons. To reduce the tense atmosphere among members of the IAEA Board of Governors regarding the European-drafted anti-Iran resolution, Tehran put forward the path of "constructive cooperation and preparing a retaliatory response". Everything that Iran had proposed to the Agency with its goodwill is only applicable if the Board of Governors refrains from approving the proposed resolution (by France, Britain and Germany) or at least does not link it to the clauses that provide the basis for referring the Iran nuclear case to the UN Security Council.
Fahrikhetgan: A journey with the goal of a ceasefire
In an interview with Seyyed Reza Sadr al-Hosseini, an expert and analyst of regional issues, Farahikhtegan dealt with the dimensions of the visit of Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar to Tehran. He said: The Qataris play an important role in mediations in the region and any trip by the officials of this country, especially in the middle of tensions, has significant dimensions. Some observers have considered Qatar's Foreign Minister to be the messenger of the Americans in the context of the escalation of tensions in the nuclear case. Others linked the trip to regional conflicts based on developments related to the war in Lebanon and Gaza. The Resistance front accepts mediation by any thinker or leader to reach a cease-fire and lasting peace. Therefore, the visit of Qatar's Foreign Minister can also be effective in this regard. But what is clear is that the declaration of a ceasefire in the current situation, especially in the framework of the American peace plan.
Jam-e-Jam: Pressure policy against Iran will backfire
In recent years and especially in the past months, we have seen that European countries have intensified their pressure campaign against Iran. However, the policy of pressure, resolutions against Iran, or any hostile move has always faced the further development of Iran's nuclear program and produced opposite results. Westerners try to put countries not allied to them as hostile. For this reason, we have seen that the quality of their policy towards Iran has changed. As we get closer to the JCPOA sunset, the opposite sides are trying to strengthen their pressure on Iran so that if they ever want to sit at a negotiating table with Tehran, they have the upper hand. They see Iran and the Axis of Resistance as opposed to Israel and its allies. For this reason, they are trying to put pressure on Iran under various pretexts. The opportunity to revive the JCPOA negotiations is limited, and these actions of Europe have complicated the process of revitalizing it further. Also, Europeans are deliberately trying to increase the tension and distance themselves from the possibility of a solution.
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