Yossi Cohen


  • Fakhrizadeh 2021-11-26 21:22

    One year later: Iran emerges stronger

    TEHRAN — On November 27, 2020, Israeli spies assassinated a high-profile Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, thinking it would slow down Iran’s progress. Evidence show that the Israelis have got it completely wrong.

  • Cohen 2021-10-13 21:27

    Israel U-turn on JCPOA reveals its propaganda tactics

    TEHRAN – In a contradictory departure from Israel’s longstanding propaganda, former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen has said Iran is not even close to getting a nuclear weapon, laying bare Tel Aviv’s deceitful campaign against Iran which rests on magnifying Tehran’s alleged threats against Israel. 

  • Netanyahu 2021-06-02 21:43

    Bibi wraps up political life with hapless campaign of hype against Iran

    TEHRAN – In an effort to cover up Israel’s intelligence failures in Iran, the new Mossad chief vowed to quash Iran’s nuclear program regardless of the international community’s engagement with Iran, a position already been taken by the former spymaster of Israel but failed to make any progress in putting a halt to Iran’s nuclear activities.