Iran to adopt document on improving accessibility for the disabled

February 3, 2018 - 20:4

TEHRAN — A strategic document outlining producers to improve the country’s accessibility for physically challenged people will be adopted by February 19, YJC reported on Friday.

It took two years to prepare the document, Ebrahim Kazemi and official with Iran’s Welfare Organization said, adding, the document will focus on making cities disability friendly for people suffering different kinds of physical disabilities. 

As Kazemi has explained as per the document ministries of transport and urban development, interior, as well as industry, mine and trade are tasked with implementing the necessary infrastructure for making cities accessible for the people who are facing some kind of limitations moving. 

The five-year plan will be assessed every year by the experts, he noted.

Getting things done while having some sort of mobility restrictions is one of the challenges people with disabilities are dealing with in Iran. Narrow sidewalks, inaccessible public transportation, having difficulty accessing public buildings, stores, shopping centers and even some hotels are just some of the features that make cities in Iran hard to live for this group of people.

Majlis (the Iranian parliament) approved both general outlines and details of a bill on rights of persons with disabilities last month. With more than 1.3 million people living with disabilities in the country it is of utmost important to address the issue in no time soon. 


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