Young journalist is a parliamentary candidate from terror zone!
May 5, 2018 - 12:45

Emir Ekşioğlu, who undertook many roles in international press organisations, has announced his candidacy from the Justice and Development Party, to be the MP of the Kurdish-majority province of Hakkari, bordering Iran.
Ekşioğlu, who is from the same province as President Erdogan, will be the youngest MP in Turkish history if elected.
This step might be seen as a new Turkish strategy in a province which supports the Peoples’ Democratic Party, which is close to the PKK and it’s leader Abdullah Öcalan.
Ekşioğlu, who always emphasizes a strong Turkish-Iranian cooperation in his articles, might have an important role in Turkey-Iran relations if elected.
Ekşioğlu is also a member of one of the biggest families in Turkey.
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