‘Waste problem in Mazandaran to be resolved in 3 years’

TEHRAN —Municipalities in the northern province of Mazandaran will deal with the persisting problem of waste management in the region within the next three years, the deputy governor general of the province has said.
As per a comprehensive plan, the necessary fund to finance the plan are already allocated, IRNA quoted Ali Nabiyan as saying on Wednesday.
For one, the mayors in cities of Noor and Amol has taken measures to set up incinerators and compost manufacturing facilities, Nabiyan explained, adding that all mayors should prioritize waste management.
He further explained that waste segregation at source in the province can help decrease the amount of waste by 25-30 percent.
Hosseinali Ebrahimi, head of Mazandaran province’s department of environment, said in May that some 3,000 tons of waste is generated every day in the northern province of Mazandaran and is buried in unsanitary landfills.
There are 27 unsanitary landfill sites in the province which are posing various threats to the region, he noted, blaming tourism industry of the region as one of the underlying reasons behind high waste generation in the area.
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