Merkel's ultimatum to British Prime Minister

TEHRAN - The Chancellor of Germany is still trying to play the role of a senior official in the Europe's foreign policy. Currently, Angela Merkel is trying to end the negotiations with the British side over the Brexit. "With less than four months left until the United Kingdom is due to leave the EU on March 29, May’s premiership and her deal to stave off a disorderly departure or a bid to stop Brexit are hanging by a thread", announced Reuters.
Now, with the British Parliament postponing the vote on the Brexit, and the possibility of the parliament's negative vote to the final plan presented by Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, Europe, and London are both stuck in a political dead end. Despite these conflicts, it's not really difficult to formulate the existing crisis between Europe and Britain!
The fact is that Theresa May has claimed that there is no better plan than the deal which was previously made between Britain and Europe. And "Exiting the EU with no deal" is the worst option for London. This is while some British MPs from both Conservative and Labor Parties have called for a negative vote on the deal achieved between London and the EU.
They're now focusing on another option called "holding a second Referendum" on Brexit, which May apparently claims to be impossible! However, some analysts of the Europe and Britain affairs argue that through their apparent disagreement, the British government and parliament are trying to direct the British citizens towards participating in another referendum in this regard.
Meanwhile, both Labor and Conservative parties (in spite of their differences) are in fact completing the same puzzle.
On the other side, the European officials are also helping the British authorities to put the pieces of this puzzle together. On the one hand, they emphasize that Brexit, without the deal made between London and Brussels, is the worst possible option, and on the other hand, they insist that it is impossible to hold any other negotiations between Britain and the European Union on this issue.
European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker accordingly said: “The deal we achieved is the best possible. It’s the only deal possible. There is no room whatsoever for renegotiation.
“But of course there is room enough to give further clarifications and further interpretations without opening the withdrawal agreement" he added.
In other words, the European authorities are emphasizing the possibility of a better agreement (for the UK), which will provide a ground for holding a referendum on the Brexit. As noted, Angela Merkel plays an essential role in this equation. As Reuters has recently reported, Merkel has explicitly emphasized that there will be no other talks between European and British officials on Brexit, but efforts were being made to give Britain reassurances.
Of course, Merkel did not mention these efforts, but the British prime minister has told Merkel that it was in nobody’s interest for Britain to leave with no accord and that it will have its own economic and political consequences.
In any case, Theresa May tries to show the deal made between Brussels and London over the Brexit as a possible option, but the joint plan of the British government Parliament and the European authorities is such that it complicates this equation.
As it turned out, Theresa May has so far opposed the referendum.
But there is no guarantee that this opposition will persist forever. Besides the German Chancellor, Donald Tusk, the chairman of the European Council has also stated that European officials will never accept a resumption of negotiations on the Brexit and the UK withdrawal from the European Union.
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