Iran’s Exchange Stars League kicks off in Tehran

July 6, 2019 - 20:29

TEHRAN- Iran’s Exchange Stars League kicked off in Tehran on Saturday, IRIB reported.

This round of the competition, which is the third round, is attended by 60 teams from Iranian universities and five teams from the universities of some other countries.

It is while the first edition was held through participation of 10 teams in 2017 which increased to 34 teams in 2018.

Holding the first edition of this league was among the first-ever successful experiences of Iran’s stock market in Iranian calendar year of 1396 (March 2017-March 2018).

Organized by Iran’s Securities and Exchange Organization (SEO) and held at the place of the organization, the event started on July 24 and wrapped up on August 23, hosting students from the universities of Tehran, Sharif, Allameh Tabataba’i, Kharazmi, Khajeh Nasir, Al Zahra, Amir Kabir, Beheshti, Tarbiat Modarres and Azad.

Each team contained of four members, three college students and a supervisor who could be a professor leading the group and directing them to better investments in four areas.

The competition aimed at teaching the newbies the science of trade and stock exchange while developing the culture of entrepreneurship and job creation.  


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