No sense of superiority in Vienna-Tehran relations, ambassador says

July 15, 2019 - 20:15

TEHRAN – Iran and Austria have never had a sense of superiority or colonial attitudes toward one another, the Austrian ambassador to Tehran said on Monday.

Stefan Scholz underscored the importance of bilateral ties, saying close relations between the two sides date back to about 500 years ago, IRNA reported.

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Austrian envoy said the statistics shows that the Iranian people are interested in literature and philosophy, the topics which can facilitate Vienna-Tehran cooperation.

Referring to his communication with a number of Iranian universities, the ambassador said he has found that the Iranian people are eager for dialogue in all areas, particularly in the field of science.

Touching upon Iran’s achievements during the past four decades, the envoy said Iran has preserved its scientific, social and political independence during the years, and the country can be a good example for the Middle East countries.

He further hoped that the era of indiscriminate sanctions against Iran would end.

Scholz then pointed to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, voicing pleasure with the signing of the international agreement in Vienna. 

Iran and the six world powers – the U.S., UK, France, China, Russia and Germany – and the European Union reached the landmark nuclear agreement in Vienna on July 14, 2015. The United States withdrew unilaterally from the deal on May 8, 2018.

After leaving the JCPOA, U.S. President Donald Trump said he would impose the “highest level” of economic sanctions against Iran. His decision was taken despite the world’s criticism over Washington’s anti-Iran measures.

Trump re-imposed the anti-Iran sanctions in August and November 2018. He has added new ones since November based on the “maximum pressure” policy. 


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