Iranian group asks UN to select maestro Loris Tjeknavorian as peace ambassador 

September 27, 2019 - 17:42

TEHRAN – The Peace and Friendship Ambassadors Group in Tehran proposed on Wednesday that the United Nations select renowned Iranian-Armenian maestro Loris Tjeknavorian as a peace ambassador.

The proposal was made by Tayyebeh Mohammad, the founder of the Peace and Friendship Ambassadors Group, during a meeting held at the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) in Tehran, the Persian service of ILNA reported on Friday.

Tjeknavorian, 81, for his part said, “I am happy that I am an Iranian and I am also very pleased that my parents, like many other Armenians, chose to live in Iran, the country of Cyrus.”

“No single person can establish peace in this world, but we can reach peace with love and culture, and it is love and culture that is the anti-weapon. We in Iran can say that with all these poets and scholars, we are the peace-seeking country,” Tjeknavorian added.

Photo: Maestro Loris Tjeknavorian acknowledges the audience after a performance at Milad Tower in Tehran on August 4, 2019. (Borna/Sara Abdollahi) 


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