Development projects worth $491m inaugurated in northwestern Iran

January 1, 2020 - 15:14

TEHRAN - Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, on Wednesday, inaugurated several development projects during a visit to Ardebil Province, northwestern Iran, IRNA reported.

As reported, 93 development projects worth 20.653 trillion rials (about $491.7 million) in addition to 50 economic projects were inaugurated during Rouhani’s trip. 
The mentioned projects would create job opportunities for 4,350 people in various sectors including water and energy, aviation, infrastructure, mining, industry, and production.

Three airport projects worth 910 billion rials (about $21.6 million) were among the major projects inaugurated during Rouhani’s visit.

These projects included the upgrading of the terminals, bands and the pavilion of the Ardabil Airport. 

Ahmadbiglu Dam in Meshkinshahr City was another important project that the president inaugurated on Wednesday.

Over 1.37 trillion rials (about $32.38 million) was spent for the completion of the dam, which will add 27.4 million cubic meters to the country’s dam capacity.
Some 10.5 million cubic meters of the dam’s capacity is going to be used in the agricultural sector, 5.5 million cubic meters for supplying drinking water and the rest will flow into Moshginchai River.

A Truck manufacturing company, several dams, and hospitals, numerous factories and roads were among the inaugurated projects.

Rouhani was accompanied by senior officials during the visit including Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian, and Industry, Mining and Trade Minister Reza Rahmani.

The water and electricity projects inaugurated during Rouhani’s visit were part of a major program called “A B Iran” [the acronyms A and B stand for water, electricity in Persian”, in which 10 trillion rials (over $238 million) of projects are set to be inaugurated in each of the country’s provinces, on average.  

Based on the “A B Iran” program, Energy Ministry inaugurates some water, electricity projects across the country every week.


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