“To Die in the Pure Water” gets extra screenings at Fajr festival

February 9, 2020 - 17:58

TEHRAN – The organizers of the 38th Fajr Film Festival have arranged 15 additional screenings for “To Die in the Pure Water” in Mashhad, Shiraz and Kish Island due to popular demand.

The film directed by Tehran-based Afghan brothers Navid and Jamshid Mahmudi is competing in the official section of the festival, which will come to an end on Tuesday.

Starring Ali Shadman, Neda Jebraeili, Matin Heidarnia and Sadaf Asgari, the film is about a young Afghan man who is faced with the dilemma of choosing between converting to Christianity to obtain a European visa or continuing to live as a Muslim with all his problems.

Photo: A scene from “To Die in the Pure Water” by Tehran-based Afghan brothers Navid and Jamshid Mahmudi.


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