Tehran slams continued U.S. acts of sabotage amid coronavirus pandemic

May 17, 2020 - 17:35

TEHRAN — Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi has condemned the U.S. for committing acts of sabotage at a time when the world is in need of a united fight against the deadly coronavirus pandemic.

“While the earth needs to get united in solidarity and unified in action against #COVID19 pandemic, the US continues to disrupt, distract and sabotage,” Mousavi tweeted on Saturday.

“From West Asia to Latin America and from UNSC to WHO, the US causes division steers violence and spoils multilateral institutions,” he added.

Mousavi included in his tweet some media reports depicting Washington’s acts of sabotage throughout the world.

So far, more than 4,700,000 people have been infected with the coronavirus, and over 310,000 have died.

The United States has the highest number of deaths, which has led many observers to criticize the Trump administration’s handling of the virus.

U.S. President Donald Trump has come under scrutiny for his scattershot approach toward the handling of the coronavirus outbreak, which puts the United States on the top of the list of the worst-affected nations across the globe.

Trump has also been under fire for resorting to a blame game strategy to take the spotlight off the deteriorating situation inside the country.

He has accused the World Health Organization -- the UN’s health agency -- of mismanaging the spread of the virus and of not acting quickly enough to investigate it when it first emerged in China in December 2019.

The U.S. president has even threatened to cut ties with China over what he calls Beijing’s failure to contain coronavirus, in another apparent bid to cover up his administration’s mismanagement in response to the pandemic.

Trump has said that China should have stopped the coronavirus at its source. “Whether it came from the labor came from the bats, it all came from China, and they should have stopped it.”

However, U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed that the coronavirus does not appear man-made or genetically modified, refuting the theory promoted by some Trump backers.

Meanwhile, Mousavi on Friday rejected the United States’ blame game against China, calling on independent countries to stand up to the U.S. bullying.

“Iran dismisses the recent American regime’s #COVID19-related blame game & smears against China,” Mousavi said via Twitter on Thursday.

“The regime’s campaigns aim at diverting attention at home & abroad from the Admin's incompetency to save lives & reopen economy,” he remarked. “Iran calls on independent states to stand against of United States bullying.”

Earlier this month, China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying urged the U.S. to stop shifting the blame to China and turn to facts.


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