Palm Springs ShortFest to screen movies from Iran 

June 6, 2020 - 18:42

TEHRAN – Three Iranian movies will be competing in the various sections of the Palm Springs International ShortFest, which will take place in the U.S. city east of Los Angeles in California from June 16 to 22.

“Funfair” directed by Kaveh Mazaheri will be screened in the official competition. The film is about Majid, a young financially struggling man who comes up with a ploy in order to better the life of his wife Sarah.

Two films by Iranian filmmakers have been selected to be screened in the competition for the Young Cineastes Award.

“Tattoo” by Farhad Delaram is one of the movies, which won the best short film award at the 8th Persian Film Festival in the Australian city of Sydney in 2019.

The film is about a young woman who wants to renew her driver’s license but she is sent to the traffic police center because of a scar on her wrist and her tattoo.

“Exam” directed by Sonia Haddad is the other film. The film is about a teenage girl who gets involved in the process of delivering a pack of cocaine to a client and gets stuck in a weird cycle of occurrences.

The movie won the Grand Jury Award - Live-Action Short at the American Film Institute - AFI FEST in November 2019.

The winners will be presented with awards and cash prizes worth $25,000 including five Academy Award qualifying awards.

Photo:  A scene from “Funfair” directed by Kaveh Mazaheri. 


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