IRIB reviews “Zero Days” U.S., Israel cyber-attack on Iranian nuclear facility

November 29, 2020 - 18:30

TEHRAN – Channel 4 of Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) reviews American filmmaker Alex Gibney’s documentary “Zero Days” on a black ops cyber-attack launched by the U.S. and Israel on an Iranian nuclear facility by means of the Stuxnet virus.

The Stuxnet virus infiltrated its pre-determined target only to spread its infection outward, ultimately exposing systemic vulnerabilities that threatened the very safety of the planet.

The channel reviews the documentary in two episodes, one of which was broadcast on Sunday evening, and the second part will be aired Monday evening.

The documentary details claim that the American-Israeli jointly developed malware Stuxnet was deployed not only to destroy Iranian enrichment centrifuges, but also to threaten attacks against Iranian civilian infrastructure. It addresses the obvious potential blowback of this virus in possibly being deployed against the U.S. by Iran in retaliation.

The 2016 documentary was selected to compete for the Golden Bear at the 66th Berlin International Film Festival.  

Photo: A scene from Alex Gibney’s 2016 documentary “Zero Days”.


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