Blast near Israeli embassy in Delhi on 29th anniv of India-Israel ties

January 29, 2021 - 19:43

A blast occurred near the Israeli embassy in New Delhi and three vehicles were damaged in it.

The Delhi Police said no injuries have been reported so far. It said the low-intensity blast occurred at 5.05 pm. The National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the Delhi Police Special Cell have reached the blast spot to investigate the matter.

The entire area has been cordoned-off and heavy deployment of police forces has been made. A team of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has also been rushed to beef up security around the Israeli embassy.

"A very low-intensity improvised device went off at 5.05pm near 5 APJ Abdul Kalam Road near Jindal house. No injury to any person has been reported nor any damage to property was witnessed, except windowpanes of some vehicles parked nearby," the Delhi Police said in a statement.

It added, "Initial impressions suggest this was a mischievous attempt to create a sensation."

Speaking to India Today TV the Israeli Ambassador to India confirmed that "the mission is on high alert and everyone is fine inside".

This blast at the Israel embassy in New Delhi comes on a day when India and Israel celebrate 29 years of India-Israel diplomatic relations.

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