Quake opens up deep cracks in historical bridge

February 19, 2021 - 20:5

TEHRAN – Two deep cracks have appeared in the centuries-old Pataveh Bridge as the result of an earthquake with a magnitude of 5.6 late on February 17. The epicenter was near the southeast of the town of Sisakht.

“Preliminary assessments show that two deep cracks have been made in the structure of Pataveh Bridge due to the earthquake,” Mohamad-Hassan Talebian, the deputy minister of tourism and cultural heritage, announced on Thursday.

Pataveh Bridge is a masonry arched monument dating back to the Safavid era (1501–1736).

Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province is known for its nomads and nomadic life. Sightseers may live with a nomadic or rural family for a while or enjoy an independent stay and assist them with day-to-day life. It also opens up an opportunity to feel rustic routines, their agriculture, traditions, arts, and culture.


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